'59 Class  History
"We Say Farewell"
by Sandra Smith

We've had our stormy weather,
We've had our sunshine too!
We've shared them all together,
But now we must leave you.

The teachers that we've had here
Have helped us find our way!
We always will remember
The prom and baby day.

We say farewell,
These years were swell
We give a fond goodbye.

No other school could
Take the place of dear old
Wilson High.

Someday we will return here
Through many years speed by;
'Til then, we will remeber
Good times at Wilson High!
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Four years ago we, the Class of 1959, began our partnership  with WOODROW WILSON HIGH SCHOOL ~ Our parents, teachers, and friends watched and wondered just how we would do. Then, we were a gay, light-hearted freshman dass who didn't take Life too seriously.  But since then, thanks to the opportunities provided us, our viewpoints on life, and our ability to meet its problems have greatly changed.

And now as we look back over these short four years, many things stand out in our minds; big things and the very important "little" things such n: Knocking Roanoke out of the state title on Thanksgiving Day . . . oversleeping in the morning . . . club meetings .  . exams . . . homework  .  our state champion debate team  being called to the office . . . Homecomings assemblies . . . 
a date with a special person taking ice-cold showers in gym . . . finally beating Norview in football . . . being caught "doubling" lockers .  . and many, many others.

Yes, in a very real sense this partnership was formed four years ago. The community furnished us with a beautiful new building, books, superior teachers and administration, and the very neces­sary organization.  Our teachers furnished the leadership, and encouraged us to do our best in both academic and extra-curricular activities. Of course, we can't forget our parents who were always there when we needed them, and sometimes when we felt we didn't need them. They constantly urged us with: "Have you finished your homework?", "Let's see that report card!", "Try to do better next time!", "Aren't you going out for football?", "It's isn't, not aint!"

We were the junior partners-we still are. But we hope that the senior partners, our teachers, community, principals, parents, and friends are proud of our accomplishments.

As freshmen we found ourselves in a brand new building. Someone said we would need maps, and maps it was! As "rats," we had to endure the tricks and taunts of the upperclassmen. And it took quite a few weeks before we felt we were really full-fledged high school students. We hesitantly joined clubs, wore our Wilson jackets everywhere, bought anything that had "Wilson" on it, cheered for our district runner-up football team until we were hoarse, chose a senior "idol" and tried to be just like him or her, and watched our basketball team lose by one point in overtime to district champs, Newport News. Our S.C.A. president was Bob White, and Gloria Mercer was our Homecoming Queen. However, the year flew by, and before we knew it, we were no longer the "lowest creatures on earth"; we were now sophomores.

During our second year at Wilson, we really began to feel that we were a part of the school. Gfrls in our class were chosen J.V. Cheerleaders, and the boys began to participate in sports. Our football team was runner-up in the district, and third in the state. Came basketball season, and we lost the district title to Newport News. How­ever, we came away with the honor of being the only team to defeat the Typhoon. Our wrestling team had a winning season, and spring sports fared welL Lad Daniels headed the student body, and we helped to choose Mimi Brake as Home­coming Queen. When spring came we knew that we would not stay in the realm of underclassmen much longer. We were coming up in the world, and before long we were Juniors.
We were now beginning to lead, instead of follow.
We were becoming the idols, instead of the idolizers. Many of us made teams, succeeded in forensics, headed the sections in band and orchestra, starred in dramatic productions, held offices, or worked on the publications. Girls in our class composed half of the varsity cheering squad, and members of our class composed half of the S.C.A. directors. Yes, we were really going places! Our classmate, Tom Wood, headed the Honor Council, and Bill Smith was president of the S.C.A. Our Homecoming Queen was Audrey Cherry, and three girls in our class served as attendants in her court. We organized our first class, and its officers were B. B. Hamaker, Bob Stewart Hopewell, Joanne Holland, Diane Carlo, and Lewis Raines. Our ever-faithful advisor was Mrs. Barbara Oliver.

Our football team had a 6-2-1 record, and the basketball team won not only the third place district trophy, but was also chosen to receive the Best Sportsmanship Award. Spring sports made their usual good showing, and a new sport was started at Wilson. Mr. Pat Riley was the coach of our first tennis team. We planned and worked to have a jr.-Sr. to remember, and its theme was "Moonlight and Roses." Finally, after what seemed years of waiting, our class rings arrived, and any Junior could be seen walking around holding out his hand for all to see. During the course of the years we rose to new and greater heights. And as we watched the Class of '58 take place among Wilson alumni, we realized that we were next. With mixed emotions we ap­proached our senior year.

A new administration greeted us when we began this, our last year. Mr. Robert Allen was our new principal, and Mr. Walter Galliford was his as­sistant.    And there were many things to be done! Speeches . senior themes . . . senior class pictures . . . club meetings . . . practices of all sorts . . . college applications .  . letters of rec­ommendation . . . Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y .homework, which we occasionally got around to doing
. calling cards . . . deadlines of all natures .class dues . . . College Boards . . . class meetings. and sometimes taking time to eat and sleep. Eventually, we learned to love it. Now we must leave it!

Our senior class was headed by Tom Wood, and Mrs. Barbara Oliver again served as our advisor. Jimmy Sanderlfn was president of the S.C.A., and Joe Gillerlain led the Honor Council. Members of our class served as editor and sub-editors of the annual, or the newspaper; as S.C.A. directors; as officers in clubs; as varsity cheer­leaders. Many participated in football, basketball, track, cross country, golf, tennis, wrestling, and Forensics. Others took part in musical or dra­matic activities. Diane Carlo was chosen to reign over the '58 Homecoming events, which we felt to be the best yet.
This year College Night and Career Day had added significance for us. We were now taking a much closer look at the very near future. Baby Day with its frills and fun was especially enjoyed by all. The Jr.-Sr. was a night we will always remember. And finally we were looking forward to the magic week of graduation; the banquet, play, and, most of all, commencement. Soon we would reecive our diplomas, and for some it would be college and additional study; for others the immed- iate beginning of honest-to-goodness work and an opportunity to succeed. And we would be starting again in school-the school of life, but with every ad- vantage, thanks to the partnership of the last four years.
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web pages designed and maintained 
by John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated.  If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added.  All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may NOT be accurate  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

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Woodrow Wilson
 High School
Portsmouth, VA